New! Our 2024 Impact Report—What Kids Need in Today’s Digital World



  • Baughan, A., Fu, Y., Izenman, E., Schwamm, S., Alsabeh, D., Powell, N., Hunt, E., Rich, M., Bickham, D. Radesky, J., & Hiniker, A. (2024). Investigating attention and normative dissociation in children’s social video games. In Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’24) (pp. 30-43).

  • Bickham, D.S., Cingel, D.P., Nathanson, A.I., Rose, C.A., Johnson, C.R., Scharrer, E. (2024). Parenting and Screens During Middle Childhood. In DA Christakis and L Hale (Eds.), Handbook of Children and Screens (pp. 395-401). Springer.

  • Bickham, D.S., Powell, N., Chidekel, H., Yue, Z., Schwamm, S., Tiches, K., Izenman, E., Ho, K., Carter, M., Rich, M. (2024). Optimism and Uncertainty: How Teens View and Use Artificial Intelligence. Boston, MA: Boston Children’s Hospital’s Digital Wellness Lab.

  • Bickham, D.S., Schwamm, S., Izenman, E.R., Yue, Z., Carter, M., Powell, N., Tiches, K., & Rich, M. (2024). Use of Voice Assistants & Generative AI by Children and Families. Boston, MA: Boston Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab.

  • Bickham, D., Yue, Z., Izenman, E., Tsappis, M., & Rich, M. (2024) Development and validation of a screener for problematic interactive media use among adolescents. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

  • Carter, M., Bickham, D., & Rich, M. (2024). Leveraging Place as a Concept to Study Social Mediated Environments in Ecologically Valid  Ways: Towards a Person-Centric Paradigm. Paper presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association.

  • Cekic, S., Bediou, B., Achab, S., Rich, M., Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2024). Going beyond video game consumption when considering Internet Gaming Disorder. Comprehensive psychiatry133, 152500.

  • Dong, X., & Yue, Z., (2024). Perceived patient-provider communication quality and social media use for health: insights from Pre-, Early- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic. Extended abstract presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association

  • Liu, J., Charmaraman, L., & Bickham, D. (2024). Association Between Social Media Use and Substance Use Among Middle and High School-Aged Youth. Substance use & misuse59(7), 1039–1046.

  • Sussman, C., Tsappis, M., Greenfield, D., Weigle, P., Rumpf, HJ. (2024). Treatment and Prevention of Internet Use Disorders in Children and Adolescents. In DA Christakis and L Hale (Eds.), Handbook of Children and Screens (pp. 203-209). Springer.

  • Tiches, K. (2024). Collating the Nomenclatural Development of Negative Media Use Behaviors: Considerations for Comparative Searching [Poster]. Presented at The 2024 Medical Library Association Annual Conference.

  • Tomczak, K. K., Worhach, J., Rich, M., Swearingen Ludolph, O., Eppling, S., Sideridis, G., & Katz, T. C. (2024). Time is Ticking for TikTok Tics: A Retrospective Follow-up Study in the Post-COVID-19 Isolation Era. Brain and Behavior, 14, e3451.

  • Yue, Z., Bickham, D., Hunt, E., Schwamm, S., & Rich, M. (2024). Navigating fairness and boundaries: parental rule strategies and indicators of adolescents’ media overuse. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1–16.

  • Yue, Z., Bickham, D.S., Schwamm, S., Powell, N., & Rich, M. (2024). Digital Gaming and Social Interaction. Boston, MA: Boston Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab.

  • Yue, Z.Schwamm, S., Rich, M., & Bickham, D., (2024). Fact or story: Shaping adolescents’ perceptions of video gaming through AI and Human responses in online forums. Extended abstract presented at the International Conference on Social Media and Society, London, UK.

  • Yue, Z.Tsappis, M., Carter M., Fatima M., Bickham, D., Bourke D., Izenman, E., & Rich, M. (2024). Social media and adolescent mental health: clinical implications and approaches, In V Harrison, A Collier and S Adelsheim (Eds.), Social Media and Youth Mental Health: A Public Health Perspective. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, Washington, DC


  • Bickham, D. (2023). Media and social media. In B. Halpern-Felsher (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health (pp. 207-210). Elsevier.

  • Bickham, D., Hunt, E., Bediou, B., Tsappis, M., & Rich, M. (2023). Environmental and behavioral patterns in patients with problematic interactive media use. Journal of Adolescent Health 72(3), S34.

  • Bickham, D.S., Hunt, E., Schwamm, S., Yue, Z., & Rich, M. (2023) Adolescent Media Use: Mediation and Online Safety Features. Boston, MA: Boston Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab.

  • Carter, M. C. (2023) Social Media in the Context of the Personal Social Media Ecosystem Framework—Advancing a Flexible and Systematic Basis for Observing Health Correlates Over Time. JAMA Pediatrics, 177(7), 659–660.

  • Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., Ruiz, J. B., & Wartella, E. (2023). Social media use in the context of the Personal Social Media Exosystem Framework. Journal of Communication, 73(1), 25-27.

  • Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., Vigil, S. L., & Ruiz, J. B. (2023). A replication and extension of the Personal Social Media Ecosystem Framework. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28(6), zmad036.

  • Carter, M., Bickham, D.S., Hunt, E., & Rich, M. (2023) Exploring the Nuances of Young People’s Social Media Use and Experiences. Boston, MA: Boston Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab.

  • Cekic, S., Green, C. S., Bediou, B., Sophia, A., Rich, M., & Bavelier, D. (2023). How Much is Too Much? Going Beyond Video Game Consumption When Considering Internet Gaming Disorder. Available at SSRN: or

  • Hunt, E. (2023). Media literacy and digital citizenship. In B. Halpern-Felsher (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health (pp. 372-384). Elsevier.

  • Izenman, E., Hunt, E., Yue, Z., Schwamm, S., Bickham, D. S., & Rich, M. (2023, September 20-23). Adolescent perceptions of social media use on well-being [poster presentation]. 2023 Digital Media and Developing Minds International Scientific Congress, Washington D.C., United States.

  • Milosevic, T., Verma, K., Carter, M., Vigil, S., Laffan, D., Davis, B., & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2023). Effectiveness of artificial intelligence-based cyberbullying interventions from youth perspective. Social Media + Society, 9(1).

  • Prinstein, M. J., Bickham, D., & Moreno, O. (Eds.). (2023). Volume 3: Social and Environmental Influences. In B. Halpern-Felsher (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health. Elsevier.

  • Romer, D., Bushman, B. J., & Rich, M. (2023). Media influences on children and advice for parents to reduce harmful exposure to firearm violence in media. Pediatric Clinics 70(6), 1217-1224.

  • Sinclair-McBride, K., & Rich, M. (2023). Social adolescents, social media, and social emotional development. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 7(10), 673-675.

  • Suk, J., Zhang, Y., Yue, Z., Wang, R., Dong, X., Yang, D., & Lian, R. (2023). When the Personal Becomes Political: Unpacking the Dynamics of Sexual Violence and Gender Justice Discourses Across Four Social Media Platforms. Communication Research, 50(5), 610-632.

  • Wang, H., Yue, Z., & S, D. (2023). Challenges with using popular entertainment to address mental health: a content analysis of Netflix series 13 Reasons Why controversy in mainstream news coverage. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.

  • Yu, M., Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., & Ruiz, J. B. (2023). How Sex Is Referenced in Netflix Original, Adolescent-Directed Series: A Content Analysis of Subtitles. Psychology of Popular Media, 13(1), 1-11.

  • Yu, M., Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., Ruiz, J. B. (2023). A content analysis of aggression in Netflix original, adolescent-directed series’ subtitles. Communication Quarterly 71(5), 588-609.​10.1080/​01463373.2023.2249056

  • Yue, Z. (2023). Sexual Media and Behaviors. In Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health (pp. 239-247). Elsevier.

  • Yue, Z., & Rich, M. (2023). Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health. Current Pediatrics Reports, 11, 157-166.

  • Yue, Z., Bickham, D. S., Hunt, E., Rich, M. (2023). Adolescent perceptions of screen media ‘addiction,’ body image, and associated emotions [conference presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence 2023 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, United States.

  • Yue, Z., Bickham, D., & Rich, M. (2023). Adolescents’ reporting of inappropriate content and users on social media: the role of parental mediation, usage patterns, and community-guideline comprehension. Paper presented at the 109th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association. National Harbor, Maryland, U.S.

  • Yue, Z., Bickham, D., Hunt, E., Schwamm, S., & Rich, M. (2023, May). Rule making or role modeling? Parental strategies, perceived restrictiveness of media rules and adolescents’ media use [Conference presentation]. The 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.

  • Yue, Z., Zhang, R., & Xiao, J. (2023). Social media use, perceived social support, and well-being: Evidence from two waves of surveys peri- and post-COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.​10.1177/​0265407523118818

  • Zhang, Y., Chen, F., Suk, J., & Yue, Z. (2023). WordPPR: A Researcher-Driven Computational Keyword Selection Method for Text Data Retrieval from Digital Media. Communication Methods and Measures, 1–17.


  • Bickham, D., Hunt, E. A., & Rich, M. (2022). 137. Parental Perceptions of the Impact of Summer Media Habits on Adolescent Physical Health. Journal of Adolescent Health70(4), S72–S73.

  • Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., Ruiz, J. B., & Wartella, E. (2022). Social media use in the context of the Personal Social Media Ecosystem Framework. Journal of Communication.

  • Cingel, D. P., Carter, M. C., & Krause, H.-V. (2022). Social media and self-esteem. Current Opinion in Psychology, 45, 101304.

  • Cingel, D. P., Carter, M. C., & Taylor, L. B. (2022). Adolescent Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Personal Social Media Use Framework. In The Social Media Debate (pp. 170-186). Routledge.

  • Hunt, E. A. (2022). Media literacy and digital citizenship. In Reference Module in Biomedical Research. Elsevier Inc.

  • Lavallee Collins, K. & Rich, M. (2022). Virtual Learning, Real Results: Supporting Young Children’s Learning in Our Media-Saturated Environment. In A. Betts, & K. Thai (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Innovative Approaches to Early Childhood Development and School Readiness (pp. 536-552). IGI Global.

  • Nereim, C., Bickham, D., & Rich, M. (2022). Exploring Use Patterns and Racial and Ethnic Differences in Real Time Affective States During Social Media Use Among a Clinical Sample of Adolescents With Depression: Prospective Cohort Study. JMIR Formative Research6(5), e30900–e30900.

  • Yue, Z. (2022). Sexual media and behaviors. In Reference Module in Biomedical Research. Elsevier Inc.

  • Zhang, Y., Yue, Z., Chen, F., Yang, X., & Kwak, N. (2022). How a peripheral ideology becomes mainstream: strategic performance, audience response, and media amplification in the case of QAnon Twitter accounts. New Media and Society.

  • Bickham, D.S., Hunt, E., Bediou, B., & Rich, M. (2022) Adolescent Media Use: Attitudes, Effects, and Online Experiences. Boston, MA: Boston Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab.


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