New! Our 2024 Impact Report—What Kids Need in Today’s Digital World

2022-23 Student Advisory Council

Student Advisory Council

The Digital Wellness Lab’s inaugural Student Advisory Council included 10 students from around the country who were thoughtful, intelligent, and driven to use their own experiences and diverse perspectives to make a more positive, healthy digital ecosystem for us all. Members met monthly to share their thoughts on how to make the digital ecosystem healthy and safe for teens, and providing insights for our Pulse Surveys: Mediation and Online Safety Features, and Exploring the Nuances of Young People’s Social Media Use and Experiences. The year ended with ten members presenting final projects to 40 technology, media, healthcare, and education leaders from TikTok, Roblox, and Snap, Inc to name a few. Topics included representation in interactive media spaces, mis- and disinformation online, and self-regulation of screentime. Students closed the session by sharing their forecasts for how the digital world may change over the next five years. 

2022-23 Student Advisory Council Members

Damilola A.

Damilola A.

Stephanie B.

Stephanie B.

Rome D.

Rome DG.

Jayla J.

Jayla J.

Nylah J.

Nylah J.

Eliase K.

Eliase K.

Jose S.

Jose S.

Khufu H.

Khufu H.

Christina S.

Christina S.

Sydney W.

Sydney W.

Teen Voices

Council members are given the opportunity to author content about how the digital ecosystem affects young people’s mental and physical health in positive and negative ways. We are grateful to these students for sharing their experiences and incredibly insightful ideas for how to make technology and interactive media healthier for themselves and their peers.

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