In this installment of Ask the Mediatrician, we offer a parent of a toddler guidance regarding the impacts of background media — TV, music, etc. — on their child’s development.
In this installment of Ask the Mediatrician, we talk about strategies for supporting a school age child’s healthy use of video games.
In this installment of Ask the Mediatrician, we offer a parent of a teenager strategies to help him break the mindless habit of staying up all night binge watching and doomscrolling and otherwise losing sleep by spending time mindlessly online.
In this installment of Ask the Mediatrician, we offer a parent guidance for what to do when her middle-schooler is begging to see an R-rated movie all his friends have already seen.
In this installment of Ask the Mediatrician, we offer a parent of a toddler guidance regarding the use of e-books for reading together.