New! Our 2024 Impact Report—What Kids Need in Today’s Digital World
Alicia Owens

Alicia Owens

Student Researcher
Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital

Alicia Owens is a junior at Georgetown University majoring in Psychology and double minoring in Film & Media Studies and English. 

As a research assistant for the Happy Tech Lab under Principal Investigator Kostadin Kushlev, PhD, Alicia is interested in exploring how interactive media use impacts social interactions and community, as well as how the production of film and other media can motivate social progress.

For the Digital Wellness Lab, Alicia has played an invaluable role in launching our recent Pulse Survey Adolescents’ Use of Voice Assistants and Generative AI, analyzing data from our Social Gaming Walkthrough Study, and assisting with recruitment for our Problematic Interactive Media Use Detection study.

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